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Hello. A long-time Slackware user here, but relatively new to
using SlackBuilds. Sending this email without subscribing to the
mailing list.<br>
Today, I wanted to build/install the MP3Diags software (<a
It would not build, exiting with a message about not finding
Qwidget. I had seen the qt4 dependency, and had downloaded, built,
and installed qt4 using he Slackbuild, but MP3Diags would not build
on my Slackware 15.0 system (upgraded last year from 14.2). I also
tried building it on a fairly clean Slackware 15.0 VM, but had the
same error.<br>
Looking closely at the SlackBuild script and the errors messages
on the terminal window, I was able to determine that the build
script was finding and using qmake from the standard qt5
installation, not the qt4 version. I manged to work around this by
changing line 83 from 'qmake' to '/usr/lib64/qt4/bin/qmake', and
then I also needed to change line 88 from 'lrelease' to
'/usr/lib64/qt4/bin/lrelease'. After those changes, MP3Diags built,
installed, and ran successfully.<br>
I have contacted Dominik Drobek (the listed maintainer) about
this. He is still on 14.2, and he mentioned that there is a newer
version of MP3Diags available upstream that uses qt5, but he does
not have time to do any updates now. He suggested that I take over -
but I also do not have time, and do not feel I have the necessary
skills to be able to revise the script for a new version.<br>
I don't know if my fix is the best way, or whether there is
something odd about my system with leftover cruft from previous
Slackware versions, but I thought I'd take the time to send in the
information on the fix I have found, in case someone can make the
changes - or has a better solution.<br>
Thanks for having this resource available.<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">--
David Halliwell</pre>