<html>Hi everyone,<br /><br />I now have 200+ SlackBuilds to maintain.<br />Given my part-time job and my coursework, I am going to have a harder time maintaining it all.<br /><br />This is the last week in which I will maintain and update SlackBuilds.<br /><br />I will also switch my email address (on SlackBuilds) to isaacyu@protonmail.com:<br />https://github.com/SlackBuildsOrg/slackbuilds/pull/2898<br /><br />I need to pay a small yearly subscription fee (to Gandi, the company) for the isaacyu1.com domain. However, the ProtonMail email service is free. Hence the email address change.<br /><br />My SlackBuilds are available at the following link:<br />https://github.com/isaackwy/slackbuilds-15.0<br /><br />I plan on switching to Debian.<br />Debian 12 (Bookworm) will be released in a few days, on June 10.<br /><br />- Isaac</html>