[Slackbuilds-users] [sbopkg-users] Sbopkg 0.27.2 Released

Chess Griffin chess at chessgriffin.com
Thu Apr 30 18:42:10 UTC 2009

* Robby Workman <rw at rlworkman.net> [2009-04-30 13:18:16]:

> That the admin might want to get a "head start" on a renamed package
> before sbopkg has an updated version is a non-issue; he could do that
> regardless, and then the clobbering of the file on the next update
> wouldn't change anything, while the benefit is exactly as you surmised
> -- there's no danger of having an out-of-sync primary list of renames.
> A local renames file (or even a renames.d/ directory) should handle the
> remainder of the valid cases just fine, I think.  The benefits of the
> renames.d/ directory would be similar to the /etc/modprobe.d/ directory
> -- it would allow for easier maintenance of local rename lists.
> All that said, I certainly wouldn't change this in the stable branch,
> and even in svn, my standard disclaimer applies: it's YOUR code.  :-)
> -RW

All excellent points, Robby.  I agree that this is something that needs
to be looked at and addressed one way or the other.  Thanks for bringing
it up -- it's now on the TODO.  :-)

Chess Griffin
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