[Slackbuilds-users] can't compile nethack

Xavier Maillard xma at gnu.org
Mon May 18 22:17:46 UTC 2009

At Tue, 12 May 2009 07:50:46 +0200,
Xavier Maillard wrote:
> I tried to install nethack using SBo script but it failed. As far as
> I can see, SBo is compiling both terminal version and an X11 flavour
> of it. Problem is that it is not precised what one needs in order to
> successfully compile all flavours.
> What would be even better than compiling *all* versions would be to
> offer user a way to only compile the flavour he really wants (in my
> case, I would choose terminal only).
> What are the requirements so far with SBo script ?

I am still blocked with this slackbuild. Any idea ? best idea to come
would be to have several nethack slackbuilds building a "flavour" of
nethack (with X or without, etc..). That supposes the current
slackbuild is able to offer a minimum of configuration from the user
though (choose the right configuration file for example).

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