[Slackbuilds-users] Testing for 14.1

Robby Workman rworkman at slackbuilds.org
Tue Nov 12 07:23:31 UTC 2013

At this point, there are enough changes to the underlying 
libraries and such that all tests should probably be done
with the contents of git master:


We'll try to do (at least) daily merges of our own branches
into master so that the latest work is available for testing
(in case you need deps and such).

For those just joining, basically what we need is for you
to check the stuff listed here:


using the contents of git master (see above) and let us know
if it builds correctly.  For example, academic/scipy/ is 
currently on the CHECKLIST.  If you test it and it does not
build correctly, we don't *need* to know that necessarily,
althugh it wouldn't hurt to email the person listed as
MAINTAINER in the scipy.info file and see if they are able
to check on it.  However, if you test it and it does build
correctly, let us know here on this mailing list so that 
we can remove it from the CHECKLIST file.

Thanks to everyone for the help so far - we've all killed 
about 1000 builds from the CHECKLIST in the last few days.
Only 2180 to go as of right now :-)

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