[Slackbuilds-users] ffmpeg and tetex

Willy Sudiarto Raharjo willysr at slackbuilds.org
Sat Nov 5 12:37:05 UTC 2016

> Thanks for the reminder, Willy. I have 'su' aliased to 'su -' on my main
> machine, but not on the VM where I was testing this. So maybe that error
> message and/or README doesn't need to be changed. I'll leave it up to 
> the maintainer to decide.

It's already mentioned here

Note that for many builds, you will need to have a true login shell in
order to have a correctly populated environment. Among other things,
/usr/share/texmf/bin will not be in your PATH if you simply do "su" --
therefore, you will need to either use "su -l" when switching to root,
or source the /etc/profile script after doing "su", or perhaps modifying
/root/.bashrc to include necessary PATH elements.

Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

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