[Slackbuilds-users] sbosubmit: SlackBuilds.org command line submission tool

Andrzej Telszewski atelszewski at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 20:07:33 UTC 2016

On 09/09/16 21:16, B Watson wrote:
> There's already a tool called sbosubmit, one of us should pick a different
> name to avoid confusion...
 > http://urchlay.naptime.net/repos/sbostuff/

Heh, googling for "sbosubmit" yields no meaningful results ;-)

> It's a bit of a coincidence, last night I added license/author comments
> to my sbosubmit at the request of someone on IRC, today there's another
> thing called sbosubmit.

Mine has been in slow brewing for quite some time already, almost 1 year 
I think.

> Looking at your man page, it looks like your sbosubmit does a lot more
> than mine (mine just uploads a tarball, yours checks the script, info
> file, etc and creates the tarball itself). My sbosubmit is just a quick &
> dirty script...

Yep, and as time allows, more to come.
There will be a lot of fun with text processing and regex in C++.

The core functionality is already there, meaning you just type the 
command from within the SlackBuild directory and you're done ;-)

What is left, is to extend the submission files verification, including 
for example parsing of SlackBuild and checking its values.

> I'll rename mine to 'sboupload', it will take me 30 seconds. If you were
> renaming yours, it would be a lot more than 30 sec worth of work for you,
> I think.

Yes, it certainly would.
Thank you very much!

Best regards,
Andrzej Telszewski

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