[Slackbuilds-users] how can i define data_dir in makefile?

David Woodfall dave at dawoodfall.net
Tue Aug 21 17:31:29 UTC 2018

On Tuesday 21 August 2018 11:29,
Fernando Lopez <fernando.lopezjr at gmail.com> put forth the proposition:
> this is the error i get when i run my program...
> *"ERROR: DATA_DIR not found.  Define in make file or run in src dir"*
> this is how i am doing it:
> make \
>   DATA_DIR=$PKG/usr/share/icsim

Try putting in front of make or exporting it:

DATA_DIR=bla \

> If you don't need X then little VT-100 terminals are available for real
> cheap.  Should be able to find decent ones used for around $40 each.
> For that price, they're a must for the kitchen, den, bathrooms, etc.. :)
You're right. Can you explain this to my wife?
  -- Seen on c.o.l.development.system, on the subject of extra terminals

                                                            .--.  oo

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