[Slackbuilds-users] LibreOffice MD5SUM error

Willy Sudiarto Raharjo willysr at slackbuilds.org
Tue Nov 13 05:08:59 UTC 2018

>> The download link for sourceforge listed on the SBo page works for me.
> Yep, works for me too.  However, SourceForge does not provide any
> MD5sums that I can see.  Downloading is not my issue.
> Maybe I'm just being a stickler here, but what is the purpose of
> providing MD5sums if they are incorrect?  How am I supposed to verify
> that my download wasn't corrupted?  I'm not being paranoid here,
> sometimes my connection is spotty enough to wind up with a bad download,
> and I'm just in the habit of verifying checksums whenever they are
> provided.
> Sure, I can download and build.  I was just pointing out a tiny error
> that maybe someone could fix and address.  I HOPE I'm not the only one
> that verifies the checksums, but maybe I am?

FYI, Chris has updated the MD5SUM in his branch and it will appear in
this week's public update.

Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

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