[Slackbuilds-users] dbeaver-ce not finding jre

Dave Woodfall dave at slackbuilds.org
Fri Jun 19 21:34:24 UTC 2020

On 19/06/20 14:23,
Rich Shepard <rshepard at appl-ecosys.com> put forth the proposition:
> But they all respond to 'jdk' so perhaps the REQUIES line could be specific
> as to which jdk flavor/version is needed.

No, the entries in REQUIRES refer to the *exact* names of packages,
in this case `jdk':


This is what is guaranteed to work.

The fact that there are variations that might also work is besides
the point.

My advice is, from now on, stick to the exact package names listed.

Then you can read through the READMEs of the variations later, at
your leisure.  You may find you want to try openjdk or adoptopen at
some point after reading up on them, but for now please stick to

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