[Slackbuilds-users] Replacement for broken network/sickrage

Jeremy Hansen jebrhansen+SBo at gmail.com
Sun Jun 11 23:55:13 UTC 2023

SBo admins,

network/sickrage has been broken for quite some time... at least since Feb
2022 when it was updated to its current version (at the very least, the
startup script needs modification and it is missing dependencies -- it
might have more issues). I was the original maintainer and someone took it
over without my permission and knowledge, but the version on SBo worked at
the time and newer versions were becoming harder to support, so I left it
as is.

Now that I'm on 15.0, I have been wanting to get a more modern version, but
current versions of sickrage are very difficult to work with as they have
specific dependency versions set for everything, not ranges like most
python packages. I can change those with a sed, but I ran into issues with
needing newer dependencies than were available on SBo.

Due to this, I looked for an alternative and came across sickchill (which
is a fork of sickrage, which was a fork of sickbeard). This one, while
having a ridiculous number of dependencies, I've been able to get to work
on 15.0. Due to this, I'd like to replace sickrage with sickchill on SBo. I
plan to formally request sickrage be removed when I go to submit
sickchill (which I hope to finish this week, but I still need to validate
and upload at least 26 new dependencies that weren't already on SBo, so it
might be longer).

That being said, I had a user/group set up back in 2016 when I first
submitted sickrage, called sickrage, with a uid/gid of 324. Would it be
possible to rename this to either sickchill or sickuser (in case a new fork
is needed in the future)? If preferred, I can request it when I go to
submit sickchill itself. I just wanted to run it by before I submit things
with the uid/gid changed.

Sorry for the wall of text.

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