[Slackbuilds-users] slackbuilds.org not accessible via IPv6

Robby Workman rworkman at slackbuilds.org
Wed Jul 31 07:38:20 UTC 2024

On Tue, 30 Jul 2024 12:50:36 +0200
Marco Moock <mm at dorfdsl.de> wrote:

> Hello!
> I can't access SBo via IPv6, no answer, no ICMP. I assume it is an 
> improperly configured firewall there.
> Can somebody of the admins please investigate?

That is intentional.

Unfortunately, we were hit by a large number of bots from various
ipv6 addresses, each of which downloaded Slackware ISO images
repeatedly, which caused us to go *way* over the transfer bandwidth
allowed as part of our agreement with the colo host.

We've got better things to do than play cat-and-mouse, especially
when there's practically an infinite number of (cats|mice), and 
we certainly have better things on which we can spend the insane
amounts of money that the game will cost us.


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