[Slackbuilds-users] WIP: protobuf3 25.3

Tonus tonus1 at free.fr
Wed Mar 20 19:46:02 UTC 2024

On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 09:13:58AM -0300, Slackbuilds Mailing List wrote:
>I'm still looking for some guidelines on how developers usually create virtual machines to test. I used virtualbox when I developed for debian, but I don't like this approach anymore. I'm trying to learn LCX, and for slackware it doesn't have templates ready to go, so there is that.


Not really a developer here but found great advice from Alien Bob with 

Can't find the source with a quick search so here's the pitch :
- create a qemu base image with genuine and up-to-date Slackware
- I only add autocompletion, bash magic key and sbo tools and tree
- then I use the following script to get a snapshot
- I launch it , do stuff and tests, save the package on host
- test on my machine and share on SBo
- an important thing is to get a share between machines
- another one is to keep a consistant SBo tree on base qemu image

Now the script from AlienBOB (modified but can't recall if/how) :

   │ #!/bin/sh
   │ #
   │ # Start Slackware in QEMU
   │ # Use QEMU snapshots (COW - Copy On Write images) for the purpose of
   │ # testing software in a clean environment.
   │ ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   │ ## Create an empty 15GB image file like this:
   │ ## # dd if=/dev/zero of=slackware.img bs=1k count=15000000
   │ ##
   │ ## You must install a version of Slackware in this image file.
   │ ## This installation will be your base image. It will not change unless
   │ ## you want to install security patches.
   │ ##
   │ ## Then create the QCOW (qemu copy-on-write) file like this:
   │ ## $ qemu-img create -b slackware.img -f qcow slackware_snapshot.qcow
   │ ##
   │ ## DO NOT commit the changes made in the QCOW file back to the base image!
   │ ## The QCOW image is only used once and re-created every time the script runs!
   │ ## ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   │ # Location of your QEMU images:
   │ IMAGEDIR=/path/to/disk_img/slackware
   │ # ISO location
   │ iso_file=/path/to/disk_img/slackware64-current-iso/slackware64-15.0-install-dvd.iso
   │ # add next option to have it 
   │ # -cdrom "${iso_file}"
   │ #[ ! -z $* ]  && PARAMS=$*
   │ # add command line parameters to defaults
   │ PARAMS=$*
   │ # Qemu can use SDL sound instead of the default OSS
   │ export QEMU_AUDIO_DRV=sdl
   │ # Whereas SDL can play through alsa:
   │ export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa
   │ cd $IMAGEDIR
   │ # Remove old QCOW file, create a new one:
   │ if [ -f slackware-15.0_snapshot.qcow ]; then
   │     rm -f slackware-15.0_snapshot.qcow
   │ fi
   │ qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b slackware64-15.0.qcow2 -F qcow2 slackware64-15.0_snapshot.qcow
   │ qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -smp cpus=2 -smp maxcpus=3 -m 4096 -k fr -daemonize \
   │ -vga virtio -boot menu=on -usb -drive file=slackware64-15.0_snapshot.qcow \
   │ -fsdev local,id=repos,path=/path/to/share,security_model=none \
   │ -device virtio-9p-pci,fsdev=repos,mount_tag=repos ${PARAMS} >slackware-15.0_snapshot.log \
   │ 2>slackware-15.0_snapshot.err



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