[Slackbuilds-users] suggestion for a new category for fonts

B. Watson urchlay at slackware.uk
Thu Mar 21 05:00:37 UTC 2024

On Thu, 21 Mar 2024, Willy Sudiarto Raharjo wrote:

> Since we have search form in our website, i wonder how many people would go 
> through each categories when looking for some scripts instead of just using 
> the search form?

OK, so in that case, why do we have categories at all? Would it bother
you to get rid of them entirely? Other than the amount of work it
would take to accomplish it, I mean. Would we be better off if there
had never been categories?

We could just add a keyword for each build, with its former category.
system/dosbox would just become dosbox/, and get "system" added to its
list of keywords...

...which is silly of course. It's intended to be silly.

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