[Slackbuilds-users] Updates - 20240525.1

Ruben Schuller sb at rbn.im
Tue May 28 14:07:55 UTC 2024


2024-05-28 Lockywolf
<for_slackbuilds-users_mlist_2023-04-21 at lockywolf.net>:

> There is an concept by Alexander Verbovetsky, which I tried to
> implement as a script:
> https://gitlab.com/Lockywolf/lwfslackbuilds/-/blob/master/02_lockywolf-sbo-scripts/ejik-generate-go-deps.bash?ref_type=heads
> this should create a "vendor" directory with the modules.
> It is not completely working, there are some hairs to brush, but I
> think it is a decent start.

It's a solution, but it needs to be extended for every possibly
repository host. I actually have made a similar script to deal with git
submodules which also are a royal PITA, but I don't have it at hand now.

The Go module proxy is made for giving a stable location to download
modules - only the file names are bad. It's really annoying to have a
problem almost solved but then have it blocked by the possibility of
conflicting file names.

Hence my idea of having a standard for something like "download.sh".
Don't require it, but standardize on a filename so that automated tools
can use it while the networked step still is cleanly separated from

Unfortunately info files sometimes just don't cut it anymore
in these times. Other distributions solve this by various means. IIRC
for arch linux scripts you can give the name a file should be saved as.
Other systems implement "downloaders" in their build system.

What would also be really nice and clean would allowing to use other
schemes in URLs for sources. For example
"go:golang.org/x/mod/modfile-v1.2.3" or
"rust:whatever-rust-does-v3.2.1". This of course would require the host
to understand these links, going down the
downloader-route. Maybe we can provide a "sbo-downloader" tool.

I think this is a problem which needs to be solved at some point, not
worked around forever. Offline builds are something really good and
well worth saving as a standard. I don't want the build step to randomly
download stuff - doesn't work anyway in the chroot based solution I use.

I'm happy to discuss possible solutions.


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