[Slackbuilds-users] Req - slackbuild for vlc

Petar Petkoff tihomiroff at gmail.com
Fri Aug 10 11:09:13 UTC 2007

I'm new in this list, so I'm not informed about your traditions and style.
Now I'm working on vlc compilation for slackware.
I can contribute all my work in this area, but I'm interesting from some
points. Initially I started with simple config
    ./configure --enable-release --prefix=/usr/local --enable-wxwindows \
    --enable-debug --enable-v4l --enable-shared --enable-shared-pp \
    --enable-pp --enable-gpl
but I noticed that it is not suitable for me.
Looking around, i found a debian's config. I suppose that most of you prefer
to make own config, not to get it from debian or other distros, but this is
a good work for me. Currently I'm trying to work with slightly modified
debians config, and I'm ready to share my considerations for these changes.

And here you can read my questions:

Q1. What should I do to make this slackbuild, when it requires some deps,
some of them are current cvs version :( - example - libmpeg2, ffmpeg? What
should I do if the number of deps are 4-5 or more?

Q2. What should I do to make this slackbuild compatible with
"non-totalitarian countries" and "totalitarian countries" due to patent

Q3. Is it preferred to split vlc package into some smaller packages or one?
for example: vlc and mozilla-plugin-vlc and etc.
or more: libvlc, vlc, vlc-doc, vlc-howto, mozilla-plugin-vlx and etc.

Q4. What should I do if compilation requires some header files only from
other package or lib, but this header files are not required for normal
working with compiled tool (Need only for compilation)?

I'll note you, that I didn't read all documents, describing how to make a
slackbuild package, so I prefer to read them instead of loosing your time.

Thats for now.

Thank you in advance
Petar Petkoff
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