[Slackbuilds-users] kvm

Ash Wiren ash at spooksoftware.com
Thu Oct 1 07:50:23 UTC 2009

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 3:07 PM, Al <acummingsus at gmail.com> wrote:

> Antonio Hernández Blas wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 5:33 AM, Ash Wiren <ash at spooksoftware.com> wrote:
>>> This is not the latest version of kvm, but its more recent than
>>> 12.2's,
>> <snip>
>> BTW, it seems to me that there´s a bug in your SlackBuild, in kvm.info
>>> you have this:
>>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/kvm/files/qemu-kvm/0.10.6/qemu-kvm-0.10.6.tar.gz/download
>>> "
>>> But in kvm.SlackBuild you have:
>>> PRGNAM=kvm
>>> VERSION=${VERSION:-0.10.6}
>>> ........
>>> tar xvf $CWD/$PRGNAM-$VERSION.tar.gz
>>> cd qemu-$PRGNAM-$VERSION
>>> Notice that inside your SlackBuild, $PRGNAM-$VERSION will be
>>> 'kvm-0.10.6.tar.gz',but this value does not correspond with the name
>>> of the file you´ve downloaded, 'qemu-kvm-0.10.6.tar.gz'.
yeah i guess just renaming the build to qemu-kvm would solve a few problems,
and more accurately reflect what the build is.
However the path kvm binaries and qemu are going, they have or will very
soon converge

>  There's something going on there.  I had to edit the slackbuild along
> those lines.
> And then it errored out based upon cpu not being 64 bit.
> But my E6750 dual core IS 64 bit (is it not?)
> So, I've it's not yet working for me on 64 bit.
> I'll need to study it all some more.
> Appreciate any assistance/suggestions too.
> --
> Alan.
i assume you did export ARCH=x86_64
But note that you should only compile for 64bit if you are actually running
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