[Slackbuilds-users] owncloud-client

Willy Sudiarto Raharjo willysr at slackbuilds.org
Fri Sep 4 23:25:51 UTC 2015

> I turns out if you just have the minimum dependencies installed (ie.
> qtkeychain) then you'll get the error that $PKG/usr/man doesn't exist.  The
> following message during cmake step is seen when Sphinx isn't installed.
> -- Could NOT find Sphinx (missing:  SPHINX_EXECUTABLE)
> Sphinx is used to create the documentation.  However if Sphinx is installed
> and documentation isn't generated then $PKG/usr/man exists as an empty
> directory.  I've created a diff of the owncloud-client.SlackBuild that will
> accommodate if Sphinx is installed or not.  This patch also works on the
> new owncloud-client version 2.0.1.

Applied in the owncloud-client update 2.0.0 in my branch

Thanks Larry

Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

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