[Slackbuilds-users] [Bug-gnuzilla] icecat 38.8.0 crashes

Henry Jensen hjensen at gmx.de
Sat Aug 20 20:11:12 UTC 2016


On Thu, 18 Aug 2016 18:50:14 +0100 (BST)
<awakeyet at tutanota.de> wrote:

> sounds really nice, but why would we want to pass along such strongly minimalistic 
> "un-de-freedomed" browsers along to the normal people specifically without added security features? this basically lands them back right where they started since they are immediately washed clean and then re-exposed to the filth of the world again. we have to help them but "here don't go alone, take this!" without security- without defense there is nothing worth defending.

I don't quite understand. A libre web browser does give people a
browser which does not download proprietary plugins without asking nor
suggest to install non-free Addons. Privacy aware search engines are
enabled by default.  Why would this lead people back "to the
filth"? Users of free software are not stupid.

I strongly believe that people must be offered complete free/libre
software. But we don't have to lecture them like children what the can
and can't do. This attitude will provoke contradiction. We can suggest
and recommend - but the choice should be freely made by the user.



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