[Slackbuilds-users] Content Disposition part 2

B. Watson urchlay at slackware.uk
Sat Apr 30 16:43:49 UTC 2022

On Sat, 30 Apr 2022, Andrew Payne wrote:

> Hi all, revisiting the Github tarball 'content disposition' problem.
> While manually tweaking the tarball url to
> https://github.com/DEVELOPER/PRGNAM/archive/refs/tags/vVERSION/PRGNAM-VERSION.tar.gz
> works, I have a case where the devs use underscores instead of dots and I
> cannot seem to get a workable url with the above.

Can you show us the actual URL you're having problems with?

> tar xvf $CWD/$SRCNAM-$VERSION.tar.gz || tar xvf $CWD/$VERSION.tar.gz
> This means I can copy paste the Github tarball url into the *.info file,
> and it matters not how the user downloads it.
> Thoughts?

That will work, but it's suboptimal. If there's no other way to get a
consistent filename, it'll have to be done that way.

But it can cause problem for automated tools that people use to
download the file and check its md5sum. It can also cause problems
for the SBo source archive: https://slackware.uk/sbosrcarch/

You might want to host the file on a different web server, if you have
one handy.

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