[Slackbuilds-users] ngspice does not depend on openmpi

Christoph Willing chris.willing at linux.com
Fri Apr 28 11:32:05 UTC 2023

On 28/4/23 18:16, Franzen via SlackBuilds-users wrote:
> Hi,
> mainterner cc'ed,
> openmpi is no hard dependency of ngspice, the buildscript
> builds with and without installed openmpi, and i can happily user 
> ngspice without installed openmpi.
> Please remove openmpi from ngspice.info:required.

I don't use ngspice, so have no special interest in it (and no knowledge 
about its prerequisites).

However, as a general principle, I don't think that just because a 
SlackBuild will complete without some other SlackBuild as dependency 
(here openmpi), that the "dependency" should be precluded. Who knows 
what functionality it provides when it is included? Maybe that 
functionality is not useful to everyone but it may be useful to some.

I don't believe we should be generating minimalist libraries or 
applications, rather products containing as many features as possible 
which the authors have made possible. End users should be able to expect 
whatever functionality the product is able to provide, not some subset 
of the possible functionality.

People who know what they're doing and who want some minimalist build 
are free to leave out whatever they want and edit their personal 
versions of SlackBuilds accordingly. Please don't insist that everyone 
is bound by the same idea.


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