[Slackbuilds-users] Qt6 and QTWEBENGINE_RESOURCES_PATH

Arnaud arnaud.garcia-fernandez at laposte.net
Tue Jan 9 08:31:56 UTC 2024

Hi fellow Slackers, and wishing you all a happy and healthy new year.

I'm having some questions with a Qt6 build :
rss-guard recently bumped to Qt6, still allowing to build with Qt5, and I'm
willing to allow people to build with either one.

Everything goes fine except when launching the Qt6 version, I have the following
error :

time="     0.432" type="fatal" -> The following paths were searched for Qt
WebEngine resources: /usr/resources
  $HOME/.RSS Guard
but could not find any.
You may override the default search paths by using QTWEBENGINE_RESOURCES_PATH
environment variable.

The file for Qt6 is there :
So if I `export QTWEBENGINE_RESOURCES_PATH=/usr/share/qt6/resources/` rssguard
starts and works fine.

The /etc/profile.d/qt6.sh only sets up QT6DIR=/usr/lib64/qt6

Solutions :
1 - asking nicely for people to setup their QTWEBENGINE_RESOURCES_PATH. That'll
lead to people being unhappy because rssguard won't work, because nobody reads
anything: I wouldn't.
2 - create a wrapper around /usr/bin/rssguard to setup this variable, which
seems a bit overcomplicated.
3 - ask the qt6 maintainer to update the /etc/profile.d/qt6.sh, but is that
really why the problem happens ?
4 - update the /etc/profile.d/qt6.sh in rssguard's doinst.sh, which is nice and
hacky, but very ugly, and nightmarish after a Qt6 update.
5 - Ask people on SBo, because brain-loop.

Hence I'm asking...

To be noted : we do have a QT6DIR environment setup to /usr/lib64/qt6, but
knowing that, there is no way of finding that some Qt6 stuffs are located
at /usr/share/qt6/, so maybe there is another more generic export for
QT6's /usr/share location ?

 - Yth.

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