[Slackbuilds-users] Few bugs I noticed

Heinz Wiesinger pprkut at liwjatan.at
Thu Nov 13 22:21:00 UTC 2008

Jakub Jankowski wrote:
> Hi,
> while rebuilding my x86_64 box recently, I've found few bugs in
> SlackBuilds. Some of them spotted just by reading the code, some were
> revealed after adding 'set -e'. I don't think any of these bugs is
> related to building on a non-x86-slackware system and I think they're
> worth fixing anyway.
> Sorry in advance for the format, it's just a find | xargs cat of some
> helper files I keep locally.
> [..]
> 3.
> ./multimedia/x264
> # x264 version 20070722 isn't sufficent for multimedia/mplayer.
> # if you upgrade to newer version, be careful - recent versions
> # (I tested on 20081112) don't support --enable-gtk switch.

Thanks for that. That's something I have not yet checked for ;)
Will be stripped from the soon to come update.

> 4.
> ./multimedia/k9copy
> # k9copy's README says:
> #   NOTE: libdvdread and libdvdnav conflict; DO NOT INSTALL BOTH.
> # but libraries/libdvdread/README and libraries/libdvdnav/README don't
> # mention it. In fact, libdvdnav's README says:
> #   libdvdnav requires libdvdread, also available from Slackbuilds.org

This is a leftover from times where libdvdnav included it's own version of 
libdvdread which conflicted with the standalone version. This is not the case 
anymore, so no conflict.

> 8.
> ./audio/audacity
> # there are leftovers from times when 1.3.x was beta. So this:
> # rm -rf $PRGNAM-src-$VERSION-beta

According to the website 1.3.6 is still beta. However, the -beta was indeed 
stripped from the directory name.

> # and this:
> # cp -rf $TMP/$PRGNAM-src-$VERSION-beta/locale/*.po $PKG/usr/share/locale/
> # is wrong and shouldn't contain the "-beta" part.

Actually, this line has no effect on 1.3.6 anymore, as there are no *.po files 
to copy (at least here). Chess, if you read this, can you have a look?

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