[Slackbuilds-users] Fixes for teamviewer.SlackBuild

Nicolas Kovacs info at microlinux.fr
Mon Jan 11 07:58:07 UTC 2016


I'm currently trying to build a package for Teamviewer. The
teamviewer.SlackBuild script exits with errors in the post-install
phase. I had a look at it, and here's what I found. Consider the
following stanza from the script:

# Let's flip-flop the actual locations vs. symlinks of a couple of things:
# First remove the dangling symlink made by Debian packages:
rm -rf $PKG/var/log/teamviewer $PKG/etc/teamviewer
mkdir -p $PKG/var/log/teamviewer11 $PKG/etc/teamviewer
rm -rf $PKG/opt/teamviewer/logfiles/ $PKG/opt/teamviewer/config/
ln -s /etc/teamviewer $PKG/opt/teamviewer/config


1. The directory's name is /var/log/teamviewer11.

2. The script tries to create a directory that already exists.

3. rm -rf doesn't work on dangling symlinks. Use rm -f

4. /etc/teamviewer does not exist on the system, missing $PKG.

Here's my corrected version of the stanza:

# Let's flip-flop the actual locations vs. symlinks of a couple of things:
# First remove the dangling symlink made by Debian packages:
rm -rf $PKG/var/log/teamviewer11 $PKG/etc/teamviewer
mkdir -p $PKG/var/log/teamviewer11 $PKG/etc/teamviewer
rm -f $PKG/opt/teamviewer/logfiles $PKG/opt/teamviewer/config
ln -s $PKG/etc/teamviewer $PKG/opt/teamviewer/config



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