[Slackbuilds-users] conky doesn't build LONGER

Roy Lanek roy.lanek at yandex.com
Sun Nov 19 20:17:17 UTC 2017

> > the official SlackBuilds.org repository doesn't support current
> > at all, just the latest stable Slackware release
> Sì, vero, Willy gentilmente già me l'aveva ricordato mesi or sono
> al riguardo di altro software che mi aveva creato qualche
> problema, poi risolto.

   True, Willy kindly told me so a couple of months ago already
   (I am on current) when other software gave me a few problems
   which went solved eventually.

> Grazie moltissimo. Applicherò il patch nelle prossime ore.

   Thank you very much. I will apply the patch in the next few

> Domanda: Non che Lua mi interessi più di tanto, ma come mai così
> indietro?  La versione 5.1.5 risale al 2012, mentre la serie
> 5.1.3.x è datata a partire dal 2015 con release regolari,
> l'ultimo del gennaio di quest'anno.

   Question: Not that Lua interests me more than much, but why
   let it behind that much? Version 5.1.5 dates back to 2012,
   while the series 5.3.x begins 2015 with regular releases, the
   last in January of this year.

> Grazie ancora, siete tutti fortissimi, ciao

   Thanks again, you all rock, ciao.

> Okay, fatto, funziona: ora della fine si trattava soltanto di
> inserire un include, #include <functional>, tra altri due
> include, <stdexcept> e <string> nel header luamm.hh cosa che ho
> anche fatto manualmente, oltre che ad avere incrementato la
> versione di SlackBuild (avevo sempre il mio vecchio conky
> ancora)... non ho usato il patch per quest'ultimo

   Okay, done, it works: Finally it was only about inserting an
   include, #include <functional>, between two others includes,
   <stdexcept> and <string> in the header luamm.hh which I even
   have done manually; plus have bumped up the version of
   SlackBuild (I had my old conky around) have hence not even
   applied the patch via the patch utility 

   Once again a HUGE THANK YOU. I will try to return the favor
   time permitting.

Meglio così? ;) Better so? Was thinking that being me on current
and having only myself to complain it would have interested


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55555 . 5 l 4 c K W 4 r 3  555555   ugly face, the mirror is split [blaming
55555 +------------ L1NuX  555555   the wrong cause or creating a scapegoat]

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