[Slackbuilds-users] Plex version too old

Willy Sudiarto Raharjo willysr at slackbuilds.org
Fri May 4 15:47:51 UTC 2018

> Having tried that a few times in the past, I think that approach all too
> often will amount to wasting two weeks. On this basis, and as a matter
> of principle, I would have thought that a conscientious maintainer ought
> to keep track of this forum precisely for this kind of issues. In fact,
> it seems to be the case that such maintainers already do so. 
> To put it in a nutshell, don't you think that one of the duties of a
> package maintainer ought to be to keep track of this forum?

While that's the ideal situation, please note that we are all doing this
in our free time. We don't get paid by doing it, so please have respect
if they have to deal with real-life first.

As others have said, you are free to modify the SlackBuild and report
back to us if you managed to fix them and let the maintainer knows about
it. If they didn't step up, feel free to take over.

Willy Sudiarto Raharjo

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