[Slackbuilds-users] Orphaning all my SlackBuilds

Gerardo Zamudio gerardo.zamudio at linux.com
Fri Aug 30 14:35:00 UTC 2019

On Friday, August 30, 2019 9:07:12 AM CDT Doogster wrote:
> I'm sorry to have to make this announcement, but I want to become a
> distro hopper again.
> The SlackBuilds I'll no longer be maintaining are, well, let me generate a 
> I'll stay subscribed to this mailing list for another week.

Very sad to see you go!

I'm more concerned about https://github.com/duganchen/slackware-libretro

I sent a pull request in the past to update the scripts for all the newer 
versions of the programs which was accepted. I have been *meaning to* do it 
again lately as I recently got new hardware and a revived interest in gaming.

I can volunteer to maintain this. Last commit was in 2017 so I will have to do 
some work to get it up to date with 14.2 and of course create a branch for -

Gerardo Zamudio
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