[Slackbuilds-users] sbopkg 0.0.5 released
Chess Griffin
chess at chessgriffin.com
Sun Apr 6 19:14:17 EDT 2008
On Sun, 6 Apr 2008 15:00:35 -0600
"Bob Lounsbury" <boblounsbury at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, I went to root tried running EDITOR=/usr/bin/nano but it still
> defaulted to vi. So I googled and it said to put 'export
> VISUAL=/usr/bin/nano' into /etc/profile to set nano as the system
> default. I restarted and it still defaulted to vi. So, I then changed
> VISUAL to EDITOR in /etc/profile and restarted and whoala it worked. I
> edited the slackbuild script and built the package successfully.
Yeah, my explanation in that last email was vague, sorry. :-) What I
usually do on my Slackware systems where I use bash (I generally use
zsh) is to have a .bash_profile which then checks for and sources
a .bashrc, since .bashrc is a common file where you can put your
environmental variables, aliases, prompt setting etc. There's lots of
documentation out the about setting environmental variables in
your .bashrc or equivalent.
> Thanks for the quick responses and help! Maybe a small blurb about
> setting the default editor could be added to (for us ignorant newbies
> :-}, that have no idea how to use vi; or maybe an option in the sbopkg
> setup that allows you to choose your default editor):
> http://www.binrev.com/forums/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=5&showentry=54
The use of $EDITOR is mentioned in the man page, which is the official
documentation. The link above is an unofficial howto provided by a user.
I can probably clarify the man page about the use of $EDITOR, although I
doubt I'll explain how to change it since setting environmental
variables is fairly standard stuff. And maybe adding the editor as a
config file option is a possibility.
> Any plans to allow automatic installation of packages if someone so
> desired? Maybe even automatic install that checks to upgradepkg if not
> then installpkg. Not that's it's real difficult to switch to /tmp and
> install or upgrade, it would just make it more of a one stop shop that
> even my Mom could do.
Automatic install after building a package is unlikely, but maybe one
day there will be an option to browse the /tmp directory and install
pkgs it finds in there. Not sure, though.
> Thanks for creating sbopkg! It's a great addition to a great distro.
> /Bob
Thanks, Bob. :-) I appreciate you testing it out and providing
feedback. Please feel free to email me directly if you have any other
Thanks again-
Chess Griffin
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