[Slackbuilds-users] linux kernel slackbuild

Didier Spaier didier at slint.fr
Thu Jun 8 20:24:26 UTC 2023

As an aside, SlackBuilds used to build the kernel packages shipped in Slackware
are available here: http://slackware.uk/slackware/slackware64-current/source/k/

For Slint and for what it's worth, as you can see here:
I ship an all-in-one kernel package, including the kernel itself,the modules and
the sanitized headers. dracut is used to associate an intramfs with each kernel.

Le 08/06/2023 à 03:48, Julian Grinblat a écrit :
> I was wondering if a slackbuild for packaging the linux kernel is something that
> would be accepted into SlackBuilds, or if people would be interested in it to
> begin with.
> I put together a small script for building and packaging the kernel for personal
> use, here: https://github.com/perrin4869/linux-kernel-slackbuild
> <https://github.com/perrin4869/linux-kernel-slackbuild>
> The goal is to be able to install and remove and test kernels easily. The repo
> follows the SlackBuild.org guidelines for the most part.

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