[Slackbuilds-users] Cron file included with clamav-unofficial-sigs seems broken/incompatible with Slackware

johannes at schoepfer.info johannes at schoepfer.info
Wed Oct 19 22:03:20 UTC 2016

> On 10/19/2016 08:41 AM, Franzen wrote:
>> On 19.10.2016 12:17, Sebastian Arcus wrote:
>>> On 19/10/16 10:59, Franzen wrote:
>>>> On 19.10.2016 11:42, Sebastian Arcus wrote:
>>>>> The clamav-unofficial-sigs.cron crond crontab file included with
>>>>> clamav-unofficial-sigs seems to be incompatible with the version of
> Cron
>>>>> used on Slackware. It uses the extra field for the username 
>>>>> (clamav)
>>>>> which seems to break things on Slackware. I've just noticed this on
>>>>> several clamav installs which were months out of date, as the cron 
>>>>> file
>>>>> never worked. Also, I'm not sure the "/bin/bash" bit on the crontab
> line
>>>>> is needed - as it works fine for me without it.
>>>> /usr/bin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh has to be excuted as user clamav, 
>>>> i
>>>> suggest to don't use the cron-script from upstream, but put the
>>>> following in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/clamav:
>>>> 12 * * * * /usr/bin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh
>>> I can't really make sense of what is going on here - because the
>>> clamav-unofficial-sigs.cron file is included in the
>>> clamav-unofficial-sigs.tar.gz - but looking at its contents, it 
>>> should
>>> be part of the sources, as it comes from upstream. Same with the
>>> logrotate and the man files. Why are they included in the SBo scripts
>>> archive?
>> The cron-file and logrotate-file come from upstream, they are 
>> generated by
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/extremeshok/clamav-unofficial-sigs/master/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh,
> by the --install-all option. I assume the packager exracted the files
> because he didn't wan't to use the --install-all option for the 
> package.
>> As this package depends on clamav, which has also logrotate-script
> starting with
>> /var/log/clamav/*.log {
>> ,logrotate will complain about double configuration, so you don't need
> this logrotate at all.
>> The best the you can do, is to fix the SlackBuild and propose it to
> the maintainer.

> I'm the maintainer for clamav-unofficial-sigs. logrotate and cron 
> script
> are provided within the clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh script and upstream
> expects each user to use --install-all to generate those two.  With
> SlackBuild, we shouldn't expect the user to do one additional step 
> after
> install to actually use the package.
> So with every new version, I
> extract logrotate and cron script first and provide them as part of
> SlackBuild.
> As far as using upstream cron script is concerned, my intent was to
> provide a script in DOCS so builders will take it as an example and not
> simply copy and use the script in cron.  You can roll your own or 
> modify
> upstream script as you see fit.
> Here's my crontab (root)
> # Run clamav-unofficial-sigs script
> 6 * * * * /usr/bin/bash /usr/bin/clamav-unofficial-sigs.sh > /dev/null
> I can provide my script as an example which would again go in DOCS and
> not anywhere else.

That would make more sense, as the upstream-cron-script isn't a good 
example as it does not work with dillon's cron. In that case, a note 
that it has to be run as clamav user would also be helpfull.

Logrotate will still complain about double configured logfiles(see 
clamav logrotate-script) with the current Buildscript.


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